
Section Title

2018 Prophetic Word for the Broken-Hearted

God is moving in the hearts of those believers who will trust Him to heal their desolate places.  He is calling believers to be truthful, for the Lord desires truth in the inward parts.  He requires...

How To Cast Out Your Fear! Part 3

Victor Torres, author of “Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear,” speaks on video on how to cast out your fears.  He addresses the importance of learning how to manage your emotions before they...

26- Time World Arm Wrestling Champion, Victor Torres, to Speak at Bayside Church!

Arned4Battle.com would like to announce that 26-Time World Arm Wrestling Champion, Victor Torres, will be the Guest Speaker at Bayside Church, Men’s Ministry, in Room 440 on Monday evening, March 5th...

Overcoming the Many Faces of Fear

Fear takes on many sizes and shapes in our lives.  It is an intruder and comes from the dark side.  It is essential that we learn to identify the many faces of fear so that we can quickly put it...

How To Cast Out Your Fear

https://youtu.be/L0vnEJLwLng Click on the link above and watch this short video Too many people are bound by fear and it prevents them from fulfilling their divine destiny.  Fear often dictates our...