Armed For Battle and Destined For Glory!: Learning How to Bravely Confrfont Your Past So You Can Be Launched into Your Future-Book Details

Armed for Battle and Destined for Glory is a powerful story about a young man who is tormented by bullies, beatings, bias, betrayal by a teacher and principal, poverty, parental abuse, the death of a parent and low self-esteem. Despite insurmountable odds, he dreams of a better life beyond the rejection, hurt and pent-up rage that he battles bravely as a child. Learn about how he conquers his inner demons and uses failure as a steppingstone to an amazing and promising future. Read about how his unyielding determination, relentless passion to succeed, and indomitable faith in his Creator inspires him to become an accomplished overachiever, a distinguished scholar, and a man of great faith. From victim to victor, this powerful story will inspire you to apply principles of virtue, courage and success that will help you to maximize your potential–to be all that you were destined to become. Learn how to develop the heart of a champion as you read about a proven, decorated champion who refuses to be labeled a loser, develops a winner’s mindset, and becomes a nationally acclaimed counselor, internationally renowned author, a dynamic, inspirational speaker and a 26-time World Arm Wrestling Champion. Learn how you, too, can become Armed For Battle and Destined For Glory!