Pray for Healing With Reckless Abandon!

Don’t let anyone tell you that they’re a lover of God if they don’t obey God’s Word through their life style. God sees right through you. Obey God’s Word, walk in His will and you will find happiness, peace and joy.

If you carry emotional hurts, you have to seek God aggressively for your healing. In the same way in which you immerse yourself in your job or workouts at the gym with passion, don’t expect to receive healing if you are not actively and wholeheartedly pursuing the Lord for your healing. Healing costs you something–hours spent in prayer, the Word of God, felllowshipping with God’s people, meeting with a born-again, Spirit-filled, Christian counselor or pastor, fasting, reading Christian materials, being accountable to godly people and obeying what the Lord has instructed you to do.

Seek the Lord Fervently for Answers to Prayer!

You have to do something radical to let God know that you mean business in receiving your healing. Otherwise, you may wander in a dry desert for years. Time alone does not heal wounds. God heals wounds as you make sacrifices so you can change. And forgive, forgive, forgive or you will receive nothing from the Lord because God commands us to forgive.

If none of these things work, then you need to find an anointed man or woman of God who does deliverance because what may have you bound may be a generational curse that you have to be freed of. You need to be cleansed regularly from the evil influences that oppress you  daily in this dark world.

Seek the Lord through Fervent Prayer!

Pursue the Lord, my friend, with reckless abandon and passionate love until He answers your prayers. Too many believers simply give up along the way. You must tarry in prayer, soak in God’s presence and be relentless as you tug on the hem of His garment until your prayers are answered.

James 5:16 New King James Version

16 Confess your trespasses[a] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man [or womans] avails much.

Seek the Lord with a Passionate Heart!

God must be pursued the way two lovers pursue each other. So, rearrange your priorities, fast from food and other things that possess you (your cell phone, computer, the internet, TV, etc.), shut out unnecessary noise and hear from the Lord so you can be changed from within.  You must consecrate yourself–set yourself apart from the affections of this world.

And remember–those who pursue holiness with see the Lord!

Jeremiah 29:13New King James Version 

13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.